Inside Safe must be a completely voluntary program with no BS lies, tricks or promises that can't be met. People must be allowed the choice, and to be able to choose Inside Safe because it would be the best option for them. Period.
Abolish the "one tent for one room" rule. People are not tents.
Give unhoused people the details of the program in writing. Include the location of the motel, duration of the stay, services provided, motel rules, and date when permanent housing will be offered.
The motel placement must be located within five miles of the participant's encampment and must not be infested with pests.
Once a resident is placed in a motel, they should not be moved until permanent housing is secured.
The motel must NOT have any unnecessarily restrictive, carceral rules.
The motel must not limit the number of belongings people can bring with them.
Adequate food must be provided every step of the process, including at the Inside Safe operation. Once placed in motels, people should either be provided with nourishing meals OR enough money to access nourishing meals themselves.
Provide the wraparound care and mental health services the Mayor promised to both the Inside Safe participants and the people who choose to stay behind.
Do not implement 41.18 zones for those who choose to remain at the encampment. Enforcement of 41.18 and 56.11 would undermine the goals of any program designed to house people. We want housekeys, not handcuffs.